Winn Legal's personal injury practice is primarily focusssed upon Transport Accident Commission (TAC), WorkCover, public liability and Superannuation Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claims. Led by Louise Hanby D'Wynn, our personal injuries team conducts claims and litigation in the Victorian metropolitan and country legal circuits.
We are committed to maximising the benefits of no fault benefits wherever available and to prepare in parallel the serious injury applications and common law claims that ideally ought be pursued before our client's no fault benefits cease. This approach identifies us as one of the States fastest and most cost efficient personal injury practices.
In conjunction with our litigation practice we have developed a strong commitment to supporting clients with a serious head injuries and spinal injuries in their TAC and WorkCover disability service claims.
We continue to support their long term care needs long after their common law claims have ceased. In doing so we have developed our understanding of the long term needs and challenges for carers and those of our clients who unfortunately require life long care.
Winn Legal recommends that claimants obtain early advice as to their rights, entitlements and obligations. We understand that when our clients are first injured they may not be able to come to our office to meet us in person. We can provide advice by telephone, by video linkup or in person.
We strongly recommend that you obtain legal advice before signing claim forms, sending letters of demand and speaking to private investigators hired on behalf of insurance companies.
Read More: Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Injuries Law